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Consumer Protection Resources


Stretto is committed to helping consumers identify online scams, specifically phishing attempts related to our case websites. Stretto communication can come from a specific case email address (usually noted on the case web page) or it may come from a Stretto team member. Please visit Stretto’s  main case website page to find your case and more detailed information, including a case-specific, toll-free number to verify the authenticity of related correspondence you receive or for any questions you may have.

10 Common Traits of Phishing Emails

  1. Generic greeting
  2. Poor spelling and grammar
  3. Sense of urgency
  4. Asking for personal information
  5. Inconsistencies in links
  6. Unrealistic threats
  7. Too good to be true
  8. Asking for money
  9. Suspicious attachments
  10. From a government agency

Source: The Security Awareness Company – KnowB4 Inc.

4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Phishing

  1. Protect your computer by using security software.
  2. Protect your cell phone by setting software to update automatically.
  3. Protect your accounts by using multi-factor authentication.
  4. Protect your data by backing it up.

7 Social Engineering Red Flags

  1. The email came from a suspicious sender
  2. The email was sent to an unusual mix of people
  3. The email contains long or misspelled hyperlinks
  4. The email was sent outside of normal business hours
  5. The email’s subject line doesn’t make sense
  6. The email contains unexpected attachments
  7. The email content contains spelling errors, bad grammar,  threats, or seems out of the ordinary

Source: The Security Awareness Company – KnowB4 Inc.